This page provides links to sources of detailed information about nuclear manufacturing, and other online resources of interest to the manufacturing supply chain.

New build

  • EDF – the UK’s only nuclear power station operator, and developer of Hinkley Point C and Sizewell C.
  • Great British Nuclear – government arm’s-length body charged with delivering the UK’s programme of nuclear new build projects.

Reactor providers & developers


NDA component organisations:

Supply chain portals

Nuclear industry information

  • WNA Information Library
    Around 150 up-to-date papers from the World Nuclear Association, including national briefings and detailed technological and industry background.
  • Nuclear Industry Association
    Trade association for UK civil nuclear, offering industry information and support.
  • Nuclear energy: what you need to know
    UK government summary of the benefits of nuclear power and support programmes (April 2022).
  • Office for Nuclear Regulation
    Agency of the Health & Safety Executive responsible for all nuclear sector regulation across the UK.
  • Great British Nuclear
    Government’s arms-length body responsible for driving delivery of new nuclear projects.
  • Nuclear Graduates
    Industry-backed scheme to give talented graduates a taste of the nuclear sector through placements and secondments.

Nuclear industry news

Training & recruitment

Business support